Exams Are Going to Kill Me!

I HATE EXAMS! I get so stressed and my IBS kicks in! My intestines swell, and get hard and hurt!!!!!!!
So I decided to take a break for 15minutes and it's been 13. So I am going to make a blog post, eat something, then continue studying for Grade 11 Functions. It thought I would show you where I will be spending the next three days. Voici mon chambre de study... lmao!
I have my covers on the floor so I can sit on them. My blue box to my left so I can put things there. That purple book is where I write my exam notes. Then all around me I have my exam outline, textbook, binder, notebook, and notes. :)
Now....These are the emotions I am feeling!!!



I`m Killing the Blog

IM SO SORRY!!! I'm killing this blog by neglecting it! So...I'll update u with the contest. On Thursday I am getting paid so I will take some money out and but the remaining contest prizes. :)

The rest I need to put in my LA bank account. Then my next paycheck is going to be HUGE!!! I'm so happy for that. I have $418 saved up for it, with two pay days left! So. The pay before I leave will all go to LA which will be my big one!
So...I know the room tour is one of my most requested videos and I will do it. I just need to clean it a bit. Actually, no. I'll just show you because it's no use cleaning it. I'm redecorating my room in August so after LA I need to save my paychecks for that and I don't need to buy anything because my mom will do that if I need something. :) I'm not spoiled or anything. She just doesn't want me spending money, so she offers to buy it...and how can I refuse. ;)

P.s. I have looklet!! This is the link to like my profile!

Sweet Blog Award!!!

So I have been awarded the Sweet Blog Award by Emma

So I need to award my top 10 sweetest Blogs....
The Rules:
Give this award to 10 sweet
Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
Put the award on your blog.
Let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment.
So: The awards go to....
So....I can't think of any other fashion blogs. But These are my award recipients!! Congrats!
Post the picture on your blog if you want people to know you won it!